JACK WOLFSKIN PUBLISH Social Impact Report 2018/2019
Jun 15, 2020
By publishing the Social Impact Report 2018/2019, the Idstein-based outdoor company shows its progress in implementing fair and safe production conditions throughout the entire supply chain. The Social Impact Report also discloses detailed results of social audits and provides in depth knowledge on how the company is working with its partners to achieve fair wages. Traceability of every single Jack Wolfskin product also creates credibility and gives customers a deep understanding into where their clothes are made.
The issue of sustainability has been rooted in Jack Wolfskin’s DNA since the company was founded and is one of its fundamental business principles. Since the company’s beginnings, products have always been designed to be durable and sustainable companions. Today, in addition to high quality materials, Jack Wolfskin places an increased focus on sustainable textiles – including TEXAPORE ECOSPHERE technology - and remains committed to stable and fair supplier relationships.
Audited annually by the independent multi-stakeholder organisation the ‘Fair Wear Foundation’ (FWF), Jack Wolfskin has once again met the strictest standards in relation to doing everything in its power to ensure fair and safe working conditions with its partners. “We are proud to have been awarded LEADER status by the FWF in 2019 for the fifth time in a row. This is not a matter of course, as this organisation tightens its requirements year after year in line with global developments. We share the ambitious goals of the FWF - to make joint efforts with our partners - to create fair and safe working conditions in production facilities.” Melody Harris-Jensbach. CEO, Jack Wolfskin.
As can be expected, all content in the 2018/19 report is published with full transparency. Notably, the latest report includes deep insights into the salary structures of each individual factory. Making it possible to reveal the successes, challenges and opportunities whilst working in partnership with each one. In addition to the Social Impact Report, Jack Wolfskin is pleased to offer unrestricted insights into its corporate responsibility and environmental practices.
All topics are summarized in the Jack Wolfskin Sustainability Book
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