JACK WOLFSKIN’s WOLFTRAIL campaign sees outdoor and travel influencers explore hiking routes
Oct 12, 2020
The JACK WOLFSKIN WOLFTRAIL, launched this spring with an exclusive trail in the Carpathian mountain ranges, is now entering its next phase. Despite the current situation of limited travel opportunities throughout Europe, Jack Wolfskin hope to inspire their customers to embark on adventures in their own regions. Launching a campaign that’s supported and led by a number of well-known outdoor enthusiasts, prominent on social media. Taking to the trail with their nearest and dearest, each campaign partner shares their route and experiences with their followers, amplified by Jack Wolfskin. The campaign as a whole focuses on JACK WOLFSKIN’S core brand values: hiking with family and friends, outdoor activities and experiencing nature. Each member of the campaign outfitted in JACK WOLFSKIN’s latest seasonal styles including the new INFINITE HIKE Collection.
Melody Harris-Jensbach, CEO of JACK WOLFSKIN: "Our WOLFTRAIL campaign should inspire people to go out into nature. Reminding them that they don't have to travel far for this to be a possibility with hiking adventures possible from their own doorstep. With our WOLFTRAIL campaign we are once again focusing on the younger generations motivating them to make new discoveries despite the limited travel options and to experience hiking as a transformative experience that reconnects us with nature.”
The outdoor influencers Gürel Sahin, Harry T Baker and Sabrina as well as the influencer couples Betti and Henning, Charlie and Jess, Marie and Jan as well as Tim and Sandra laufen für JACK WOLFSKIN each plot a trail for JACK WOLFSKIN, right in front of their own doorstep. Gürel exploring the Gossersweiler-Stein Felsenweg in the Palatinate Forest, Sandra and Tim a trail in the Rheingau and Harry, a hike over the Honister Pass in the UK. The enthusiastic travel enthusiasts showcasing that hiking in their own region can also be adventurous. Each of the pursuits above easily viewed and replicated by utilising the komoot App.
The WOLFTRAIL campaign can be watched until the end of October on JACK WOLFSKIN's own Instagram, Facebook and YouTube channels as well as on each of the Instagram channels of the Influencers. The campaign focusing on social media in order to engage with and inspire a younger audience to experience nature.
One of this season’s stand-out collections ‘INFINITE HIKE’ is expanded for AW20 with the help of the professional mountain guides of ASI Reisen. Their day to day experiences on the trail giving important ongoing learnings for the development of the future collections. The result is lightweight products with highly technical and mountain-specific functions - ideal for sporty mountaineering above the tree line, ambitious hiking and tours lasting several days. All products are marked with the "ASI Approved Product" logo.
With WOLFTRAIL, JACK WOLFSKIN is once again focusing on its brand values, hiking with friends and family. The campaign aims to encourage people to go out into nature and experience it together. The WOLFTRAIL adventure was launched at the beginning of the year with the unique long-distance hiking experience in the Romanian Carpathians. To this end, JACK WOLFSKIN and its long-standing partners ASI Reisen and Carpathia have developed the first exclusive long-distance hiking trail. Since long-distance travel is currently only possible to a limited extent, the focus is now on local hiking following the long-distance hike in Romania. The new WOLFTRAIL campaign aims to create awareness of local nature and sustainable travel without long journeys. It encourages viewers to go out together and explore the local Environment.
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